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NATURAL THERAPYSleep is one of the routine activities of all living things. The long-term effects of sleep deprivation are real. Science has found that there is a correlation between lack of sleep and various health problems from weight gain, anxiety, and a weakened immune system. Your body needs sleep. Your body heals itself and restores its chemical balance when you. Your brain forges new connections and helps memory retention. Without enough sleep, your brain and body system will not function normally. The study found that sleeping less than 6 hours a night increases the risk of premature death. A pretty awful fact of course. Here are some dangers that could come to you if do not sleep well at night:

1. Immune system weakened

The body's immune system produces a cytokine substance. Cytokines are needed by the body to fight infections and inflammation, and to minimize stress. The body will work to produce cytokines while you sleep so that lack of sleep results in a disruption to the cytokine production process. This condition affects the immune system's decline as well as disruption to the natural process of recovery from disease and infection.

2. Hunger to fatness

Lack of sleep is another risk factor for being overweight and obese. Sleep affects the levels of two hormones, leptin, and ghrelin, which control hunger and satiety.

Leptin tells your brain that you've already eaten enough. Without enough sleep, your brain reduces leptin and increases ghrelin, which is an appetite stimulant. This may explain why people like to snack at night or why someone might overeat at night. Lack of sleep can also contribute to gaining weight by making you feel tired while exercising.

Lack of sleep also encourages your body to release higher insulin levels after you eat. Insulin controls your blood sugar levels. Higher insulin levels increase fat storage and increase the risk of diabetes.

3. Breathing system disturbed

The correlation between sleep and breathing system runs is when you wake up all night, you make yourself more susceptible to respiratory infections like the flu. Lack of sleep can also make the existing respiratory illness more severe, such as chronic lung disease.

4. Disorders of the endocrine hormone system

Hormone production depends on your sleep. For testosterone production, you need at least three hours of uninterrupted sleep. This disorder can also affect the production of growth hormones, especially in children and adolescents. This hormone helps build muscle mass and repair cells and tissues. The pituitary gland releases growth hormone continuously, but sleep and exercise also help induce the release of this hormone.

5. Bad Mood

Lack of sleep can lead to decreased function of brain organs. Conditions impaired brain function can reduce the ability to control emotions, so people will tend to be more easily angered. Conditions such as this result in social relations disorders, especially for adolescents and adults, who generally more often interact socially. Unstable emotional conditions also make moods worse.

6. High blood pressure

Sleep activity is important to neutralize the blood vessel system and to optimize the work of the heart. Lack of sleep lasting for a long time results in a high risk of developing high blood pressure. It happens because the blood vessels can not work properly. Thus, for people with high blood pressure is very dangerous if they have a habit of staying up.

7. Cardiovascular disease

Sleep affects the processes that maintain the health of your heart and blood vessels, including your blood sugar, blood pressure, and inflammation levels. It also plays an important role in your body's ability to heal and repair blood vessels and heart. People who are not getting enough sleep are more likely to develop cardiovascular disease.

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