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NATURAL THERAPYhi friends, how are you today?
hopefully today we are always given physical and spiritual health.
in the post times, we will try to discuss about how to treat acne naturally.who is he who never finds acne on his face, surely among readers all have felt it.
it's true acne is very disturbing for us, it seems our fingers always want to squeeze the pimple. but the name of acne when we push him even become bigger.

everyone would want to look smooth face, but acne sometimes always appear annoying.
there are also people who say face without acne like a sky without stars. but if too many stars will surely cover the beauty of the moon.
before we discuss about how to treat acne naturally.
we will discuss the cause of acne is anything anyway.

Acne can occur when the hair follicle is blocked by mixing dead skin cells, dirt, and sebum (substances produced by oil glands that help prevent dryness of the skin). Then, there may be bacterial infections that cause inflammation in the blockage area.

In the case of blackheads, the blockage of the follicle opens up the skin pores. In contrast to the case of whiteheads, the follicle blockage is located not far below the surface of the skin and creates a bulge. Common acne and blackheads should not be taken lightly because the condition can develop into severe acne, such as developing into pustules, papules, nodules, or even cysts if the follicle blockage is also infected by skin bacteria.

There are several factors that can trigger or increase a person's risk of experiencing acne, including:

Hormonal changes. It is thought that acne that occurs in adults is caused by changes in hormone levels. Eight out of ten cases of acne in adults, occurs in women, because women are more likely to experience hormonal changes at certain times, ie, menstrual and pregnancy. Acne often appears in some women before the menstrual period. Whereas in pregnant women, acne usually appears in the first three months of pregnancy. For women who have a condition called polycystic ovary syndrome, in addition to the appearance of acne, weight gain and the appearance of a small cyst inside the ovary may also occur.
Puberty. This is usually experienced by adolescents. At puberty, sebum production by the oil glands will increase along with the high production of testosterone. And sometimes, the production of sebum exceeds the quantity required by the skin.
Side effects of cosmetic use.
Irritation due to wearing objects. Acne spots can also appear due to friction or pressure from the material we use on the skin constantly. For example, spots that appear on the forehead from too often wearing headbands and spots on the back due to routinely wearing a backpack.
Addicted to smoking.
Drug side effects. This usually occurs in the use of lithium, steroid, and antiepileptic drugs. Vitamins B2, B6, and B12 supplements can also cause acne-like side effects.
Heredity. If we have parents who have had problems with acne, then we are at great risk of experiencing the same thing. Even the severity of acne can be even higher especially before entering adulthood. In addition, if our parents still have problems with acne, then we are also at risk of experiencing the same thing even though it has entered adulthood.

after we know the cause of acne, we also need to know what are the types of acne. why should I know the types of acne ?????????
the answer is easy yes so let us know also exactly how to treat it.

1.Common acne

regular acne most people have suffered from this acne. This acne is small and reddish white color. This acne arises due to clogged pores and bacterial infection of propionibacterium acne. The bacteria live in the area of fatty acid produced in glandular sacs hidden beneath the surface of the skin or often also referred to as sebaceous glands. What to watch out for from this bacteria is because it can cause irritation to the face around it.

how to treat it.

If you want to deal with acne problems in a short time because it will attend an important event, you can work around this by applying toothpaste on acne that appears on your face before bed. Toothpaste contains a nutritious fluroide to reduce the swelling and redness caused by acne. in addition you can also use tomatoes and lemon as a mask to remove acne and remove black stains acne scars.


blackheads Camedo is caused by skin cells matti and excessive oil gland secretion. Blackheads are divided into two kinds of closed comedo and open blackheads. Closed comedones look like small white bulges. While open blackheads look like enlarged pores and blackened.

How treatment

To eliminate this type of blackhead acne, you can remove it with egg whites. The trick is to dip the cotton in egg whites and paste on your face a pimple blackheads. Wait until the egg white is dry, then lift the cotton. You will see lots of blackheads plucked out on the cotton.

In addition to the types of acne that have been mentioned above, there are several types of acne again experienced by many sufferers,but we will discuss in the next post, please subscribe in email or anywhere on this blog let you all not behind in every post.

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