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NATURAL THERAPYwell friends like my promise yesterday that will continue on the discussion of acne. yesterday we have discussed 2 types of acne that is common jearawat and blackheads. now we will continue the types of acne.just the next type of acne is.

Acne Stone

acne stone Stone care has a size larger than regular acne. Acne stone color is more red and inflamed. If left unchecked, acne stones will leave scars that are hard to remove. Acne stone or also often called Cystic Acne disebebkan because oil glands are too much and abnormal cell growth. Acne rocks are classified as severe acne.

Treatment Suggestions

Therefore, if you suffer from acne stone that nest on your face, it helps you consult a doctor to then determine the treatment in the next step.

Juvenile Acne

Juvenile Acne This acne occurs during puberty age 14-20 years. The cause of this acne is a hormonal problem that has not been stable in producing sebum.

How to overcome :

To overcome this acne you can use facial soap that has a balanced PH or transculent baby soap.

Juvenile type acne is a development of hormones so maybe it should be overcome in a natural way, do not use dangerous ways.

Acne Vulgaris

Acne vulgaris is a kind of skin disorder characterized by an open comedo eruption, closed comedo or acne followed by reddish skin and scaly. This acne usually occurs in adolescence and generally continues until adulthood. This acne can be caused by excess oil, hormonal changes, cosmetic products and dead skin that is not separated properly.

How to overcome

The right treatment for acne of this type is by removing bacteria, controlling excess oil on the face, and by increasing the turn of dead skin cells. This acne will usually improve over time without any intervention. But if the acne is getting worse, can cause damage and should get the treatment of a dermatologist. This acne is not contagious and can be cured.

Acne Rosacea

Acne Rosacea This acne usually occurs in women aged 30-50 years. At first, this acne will appear reddish that can cause inflammation that can cause scales on the folds of the nose.

Treatment Suggestions

This acne requires treatment from a dermatologist, usually in the form of evaporation, hot water compress or by irradiation using infrared light for acne drying.

Acne Nitrosica

Acne Nitrosica This type of care should be wary of which if left unchecked will cause a hole in the facial skin.

Treatment Suggestions

Treatment of acne should be with the help of a dermatologist. Beauty technologies such as microdermabrasion, laser technology, and other beauty treatments can help to eliminate this type of acne.
maybe it's some kind of acne and how to overcome it that I can share for the day to you friends.
may we always be given health by the Almighty God in our lives.
Like in the saying in a healthy body there is a strong soul.


Anonymous said...

please update your post every day this article is useful

putu denan said...

thanks guys