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how are you ahri friends?
may we always be given health by God Almighty.

as in the title this time we will try to share how to cure bladder stone naturally, what is pee stone ????????? what is our pine stone ?????????.
not pee stone is a disease.

Bladder stones or commonly known as kidney stones is one of the health disorders that usually interfere with the bladder channel. Scientists have found evidence to suggest that the disease has existed since 7000 years ago. Kidney stones are formed when changes occur in the normal balance of water, salt, minerals, and anything else found in urine.
so instead of peeing us out rock friends.

urinating stone there are several causes.
1. Genetic factors
    Genetic factors or genetic factors do dominate from the cause of urinary stone disease.
2. Anatomical form of abnormal bladder can cause urine flow containing calcium stops and in time will increase the formation of urine stone.
3. Septiuria
4. Primary hypercalciuria
5. Primary hyperoxaluria.
- The biological factors are:

 1. Supersaturasi urine
 2. Lack of protection factor
 3. Changes in urine pH
 4. Nucleation and factors that can attach the crystalline renal tubules.

If an increase in calcium in the urine and affect calcium deposition in the bones will cause a person unable to move or difficulty to move, for example because of paralysis, making urine colorful concentrated due to lack of water consumption so that makes the urine becomes less and concentrated. Not only the lack of consumption of water, eating patterns or foods consumed less clean, high calcium oxalate levels, such as dairy foods, soft drinks, high salt foods, foods with high sweet taste, coffee, thick tea, everything types of food and beverages make the urine become concentrated so that the deposition occurs in the kidney.

Consumption of high doses of vitamin C and D that are not balanced with the adequacy of other essential vitamins facilitate the formation of stones. This is caused by high vitamin C and D levels of about 100-300 mg in both vitamins, vitamin C which contains high calcium oxalate and high doses of vitamin D can increase the formation of calcium absorption into the intestine. In addition, the drugs for cancer (cytostatic drugs) increasingly facilitate the formation of stones due to increased levels of uric acid in Stone (calculi) derived from the filtering of substances wasted from the body by the kidneys that can not be excreted with urine so that it can settle in the bladder, in the kidney pyramid and cause the formation of kidney stones in the kidneys and stones in the urinary tract . The presence of stones in the upper bladder is a major cause of renal failure. The formation of this stone occurs due to increased levels of uric acid, calcium oxalate and other substances as a trigger stone formation such as mukoprotein, reduced levels of inhibitor substances (prevention of stone formation), such as citrate, the presence of infection.

The shape and type of stone vary depending on where the stone is formed and the forming material of the stone itself, for example calcium oxalate, calcium phosphate, uric acid, cystine stones that occur due to genetic factors, magnesium ammonium phosphate (struvit), matrix stone, santin. Similarly, the shape and color of the stone, there are black, brown, white, smooth, rough / sharp so that it can hurt the urinary tract.

- Here are some symptoms of bladder stones:

1. Painful pain, radiating to the side following the urinary tract channel.
2. Sometimes when urination is painful
3. Often anyang-anyangan (discharge of urine a little but often)
4. The color of the urine becomes a reddish color like meat water
5. Sometimes accompanied by nausea and fever.the blood.
Some ways Prevent the formation of kidney stones

1. Drink lots of fluids, fluids needed by the body in a day generally as much as 2 to 3 liters. Meet the needs of the body in order to avoid the bladder stones.

2. Change your eating habits, pay attention to the balance of salt and mineral intake for the body.

3. Reduce consumption of red meat, poultry meat and sea fish
Use antibiotics to avoid all kinds of bad bacteria in the body.

Natural treatments and treatments for urinary kidney stones are:

1. Endeavored quite a lot of gymnastics or bodybuilding
2. Seed to drink plenty of water
3. Cultivated to reduce drinking tea
4. Avoid eating spinach, tomatoes, offal, peanuts and chocolate
5. Leaves cat whiskers 1 hand, leaves meniran 7 stems, leaves 10 pieces ngokilo, 10 ginger temulawak, and 4 pieces of yellow corn. All of these ingredients are cooked with 4 glasses of water and drunk throughout the day (Ngokilo leaves can be replaced with gempur watu or wiyung).
- Restrictions on certain foods are effective to prevent the formation of these crystals. Here are some suggested diet for people with kidney stones, quoted from Gicare, Monday (3/5/2010):

1. Drink plenty of water
Water is the most important diet to prevent kidney stones, as the kidney stone-making component becomes more easily shed with urination. Patients with kidney stones are advised to urinate about 2.5 liters a day, so they should drink more than that amount. If the weather is hot or moderate many activities, water consumption should be reproduced so that more frequent urination.

2. Limit calcium
Usually the body will not absorb more calcium than required. But in certain conditions such as hipercalciuria, excess calcium is removed through the kidney in the form of urine. Patients with kidney stones are advised to limit calcium intake to a maximum of 800 mg / day for men and 1,200 mg / day for women.

Calcium is found in green vegetables, milk and various dairy products. Calcium in milk is more easily absorbed by the intestine than in green vegetables.

3. Limit oxalate
Together with calcium, Oxalate (acid containing COO2 units) can form the crystal causing kidney stones. Therefore, patients with kidney stones are advised to reduce or even completely avoid foods that contain lots of oxalate. Among them are spinach, strawberry, chocolate, wheat, grains and tea.

Patients with kidney stones are advised to limit their oxalate consumption to no more than 50 mg / day.

4. Limit salt and vegetable protein
Limiting the consumption of sodium salt can reduce the amount of calcium released by the kidneys. Therefore, if the formed is a calcium stone, then the consumption of sodium salt should be limited between 2,500-3,500 mg / day.

While animal protein can trigger several types of minerals in the urine to form kidney stones. Therefore, patients with kidney stones should replace it with vegetable protein.

5. Increase the fiber does not dissolve
There are 2 types of fiber: soluble fibers and insoluble fibers, each of which has the same important function in the body. But in this case, the insoluble fiber found in wheat, rice and wheat can reduce the level of calcium in the urine. The fiber binds calcium when it is in the intestine, so it is not excreted through the kidneys.
- Here are healthy foods for kidney stones:
1. Increase consumption of fibrous foods, complex carbohydrates, green vegetables.
2. Aloe vera in an amount that does not cause diarrhea is very good to prevent and shrink the size of the stone.
3. Increase rich foods and high ratio between magnesium and 4. calcium such as jali-jali, corn, soybeans, oats, brown rice, avocados, 5. bananas, peanuts, potatoes, etc.
6. Increase insoluble fiber.
There are 2 types of fiber: soluble fibers and insoluble fibers, each of which has the same important function in the body. But in this case, the insoluble fiber found in wheat, rice and wheat can reduce the level of calcium in the urine. The fiber binds calcium when it is in the intestine, so it is not excreted through the kidneys.

- Here are the recipes of some natural herbal ingredients that serve as a remedy for treating urinary stones, including:

1. Recipes 1

- Prepare 100 grams of young corn, 200 gr remujung leaves, 150 gr mulberry and 100 gr meniran leaves.
- Clean all the ingredients first, then boil all the ingredients, after cooked the herb filter and drink the water. Taken 1 time 1 cup per day.

2. Recipes 2

- Prepare finely ground gempur leaves or powdered gempur as much as 25 gr, 50 gr leaves spoon, 25 gr leaves posor (graptopylium). Then boil the whole ingredients in boiling water, then strain and drink when cold. Do this recipe every day. Taken 1 day 1 cup.

3. Recipes 3

- Prepare 1 young green coconut and 1 chicken egg. Then hole the top of the coconut fruit, then put the contents of chicken eggs into the coconut fruit. Then beat the chicken eggs in the coconut to mix with coconut water.
- After mixed flat, then drink this herb. Use this herb every day at least once a day so that the stones that are disbursed urine become destroyed.
4. Recipes 4

- 20 sheets of cat whiskers, wash and then mash the leaves until smooth, give a little by little water, then squeeze to be taken juice up to 1/2 cup. Drink the concoction 1/2 cup every morning for 1 week.

5. Recipes 5

- Prepare 25 glass leaves glass or glass powder glass that has been smooth, 25 gr ngokilo leaves, 25 gr leaves of cat whiskers and 25 gr meniran leaves and roots.

- After washed clean, boil all the ingredients then strain and drink the water. Use this recipe for 5 consecutive days, then give it a pause or pause for 3-4 days, then repeat this recipe the first way.

6. Recipes 6

7 pieces of papaya leaf

How to create and use:

- First day, 3 pieces of fresh papaya leaves boiled with enough water, then boiled water of papaya leaves is drunk 1 cup at a time.

- Day Two, 5 pieces of fresh papaya leaf boiled with enough water, then boiled water of papaya leaves is drunk 1 cup at a time.

- Third Day, 7 pieces of fresh papaya leaf boiled with enough water, then boiled water of papaya leaves is drunk 1 cup at a time.

- To cover it plus by drinking young coconut water, selected from green coconut.

Note: those with hypertension should not take this prescription.

7. Recipes 7

- Yesterday
- Wash 30 g fresh yellow leaves, then juice in 150 ml of water. Filter the juice, then drink once a day.

Make you who are sick remain patient and dabo pray, do not forget his efforts to seek treatment .. ^ _ ^
May be useful
Happy weekend_

treat bladder stones with natural

NATURAL THERAPYhow are you ahri friends?
may we always be given health by God Almighty.

as in the title this time we will try to share how to cure bladder stone naturally, what is pee stone ????????? what is our pine stone ?????????.
not pee stone is a disease.

Bladder stones or commonly known as kidney stones is one of the health disorders that usually interfere with the bladder channel. Scientists have found evidence to suggest that the disease has existed since 7000 years ago. Kidney stones are formed when changes occur in the normal balance of water, salt, minerals, and anything else found in urine.
so instead of peeing us out rock friends.

urinating stone there are several causes.
1. Genetic factors
    Genetic factors or genetic factors do dominate from the cause of urinary stone disease.
2. Anatomical form of abnormal bladder can cause urine flow containing calcium stops and in time will increase the formation of urine stone.
3. Septiuria
4. Primary hypercalciuria
5. Primary hyperoxaluria.
- The biological factors are:

 1. Supersaturasi urine
 2. Lack of protection factor
 3. Changes in urine pH
 4. Nucleation and factors that can attach the crystalline renal tubules.

If an increase in calcium in the urine and affect calcium deposition in the bones will cause a person unable to move or difficulty to move, for example because of paralysis, making urine colorful concentrated due to lack of water consumption so that makes the urine becomes less and concentrated. Not only the lack of consumption of water, eating patterns or foods consumed less clean, high calcium oxalate levels, such as dairy foods, soft drinks, high salt foods, foods with high sweet taste, coffee, thick tea, everything types of food and beverages make the urine become concentrated so that the deposition occurs in the kidney.

Consumption of high doses of vitamin C and D that are not balanced with the adequacy of other essential vitamins facilitate the formation of stones. This is caused by high vitamin C and D levels of about 100-300 mg in both vitamins, vitamin C which contains high calcium oxalate and high doses of vitamin D can increase the formation of calcium absorption into the intestine. In addition, the drugs for cancer (cytostatic drugs) increasingly facilitate the formation of stones due to increased levels of uric acid in Stone (calculi) derived from the filtering of substances wasted from the body by the kidneys that can not be excreted with urine so that it can settle in the bladder, in the kidney pyramid and cause the formation of kidney stones in the kidneys and stones in the urinary tract . The presence of stones in the upper bladder is a major cause of renal failure. The formation of this stone occurs due to increased levels of uric acid, calcium oxalate and other substances as a trigger stone formation such as mukoprotein, reduced levels of inhibitor substances (prevention of stone formation), such as citrate, the presence of infection.

The shape and type of stone vary depending on where the stone is formed and the forming material of the stone itself, for example calcium oxalate, calcium phosphate, uric acid, cystine stones that occur due to genetic factors, magnesium ammonium phosphate (struvit), matrix stone, santin. Similarly, the shape and color of the stone, there are black, brown, white, smooth, rough / sharp so that it can hurt the urinary tract.

- Here are some symptoms of bladder stones:

1. Painful pain, radiating to the side following the urinary tract channel.
2. Sometimes when urination is painful
3. Often anyang-anyangan (discharge of urine a little but often)
4. The color of the urine becomes a reddish color like meat water
5. Sometimes accompanied by nausea and fever.the blood.
Some ways Prevent the formation of kidney stones

1. Drink lots of fluids, fluids needed by the body in a day generally as much as 2 to 3 liters. Meet the needs of the body in order to avoid the bladder stones.

2. Change your eating habits, pay attention to the balance of salt and mineral intake for the body.

3. Reduce consumption of red meat, poultry meat and sea fish
Use antibiotics to avoid all kinds of bad bacteria in the body.

Natural treatments and treatments for urinary kidney stones are:

1. Endeavored quite a lot of gymnastics or bodybuilding
2. Seed to drink plenty of water
3. Cultivated to reduce drinking tea
4. Avoid eating spinach, tomatoes, offal, peanuts and chocolate
5. Leaves cat whiskers 1 hand, leaves meniran 7 stems, leaves 10 pieces ngokilo, 10 ginger temulawak, and 4 pieces of yellow corn. All of these ingredients are cooked with 4 glasses of water and drunk throughout the day (Ngokilo leaves can be replaced with gempur watu or wiyung).
- Restrictions on certain foods are effective to prevent the formation of these crystals. Here are some suggested diet for people with kidney stones, quoted from Gicare, Monday (3/5/2010):

1. Drink plenty of water
Water is the most important diet to prevent kidney stones, as the kidney stone-making component becomes more easily shed with urination. Patients with kidney stones are advised to urinate about 2.5 liters a day, so they should drink more than that amount. If the weather is hot or moderate many activities, water consumption should be reproduced so that more frequent urination.

2. Limit calcium
Usually the body will not absorb more calcium than required. But in certain conditions such as hipercalciuria, excess calcium is removed through the kidney in the form of urine. Patients with kidney stones are advised to limit calcium intake to a maximum of 800 mg / day for men and 1,200 mg / day for women.

Calcium is found in green vegetables, milk and various dairy products. Calcium in milk is more easily absorbed by the intestine than in green vegetables.

3. Limit oxalate
Together with calcium, Oxalate (acid containing COO2 units) can form the crystal causing kidney stones. Therefore, patients with kidney stones are advised to reduce or even completely avoid foods that contain lots of oxalate. Among them are spinach, strawberry, chocolate, wheat, grains and tea.

Patients with kidney stones are advised to limit their oxalate consumption to no more than 50 mg / day.

4. Limit salt and vegetable protein
Limiting the consumption of sodium salt can reduce the amount of calcium released by the kidneys. Therefore, if the formed is a calcium stone, then the consumption of sodium salt should be limited between 2,500-3,500 mg / day.

While animal protein can trigger several types of minerals in the urine to form kidney stones. Therefore, patients with kidney stones should replace it with vegetable protein.

5. Increase the fiber does not dissolve
There are 2 types of fiber: soluble fibers and insoluble fibers, each of which has the same important function in the body. But in this case, the insoluble fiber found in wheat, rice and wheat can reduce the level of calcium in the urine. The fiber binds calcium when it is in the intestine, so it is not excreted through the kidneys.
- Here are healthy foods for kidney stones:
1. Increase consumption of fibrous foods, complex carbohydrates, green vegetables.
2. Aloe vera in an amount that does not cause diarrhea is very good to prevent and shrink the size of the stone.
3. Increase rich foods and high ratio between magnesium and 4. calcium such as jali-jali, corn, soybeans, oats, brown rice, avocados, 5. bananas, peanuts, potatoes, etc.
6. Increase insoluble fiber.
There are 2 types of fiber: soluble fibers and insoluble fibers, each of which has the same important function in the body. But in this case, the insoluble fiber found in wheat, rice and wheat can reduce the level of calcium in the urine. The fiber binds calcium when it is in the intestine, so it is not excreted through the kidneys.

- Here are the recipes of some natural herbal ingredients that serve as a remedy for treating urinary stones, including:

1. Recipes 1

- Prepare 100 grams of young corn, 200 gr remujung leaves, 150 gr mulberry and 100 gr meniran leaves.
- Clean all the ingredients first, then boil all the ingredients, after cooked the herb filter and drink the water. Taken 1 time 1 cup per day.

2. Recipes 2

- Prepare finely ground gempur leaves or powdered gempur as much as 25 gr, 50 gr leaves spoon, 25 gr leaves posor (graptopylium). Then boil the whole ingredients in boiling water, then strain and drink when cold. Do this recipe every day. Taken 1 day 1 cup.

3. Recipes 3

- Prepare 1 young green coconut and 1 chicken egg. Then hole the top of the coconut fruit, then put the contents of chicken eggs into the coconut fruit. Then beat the chicken eggs in the coconut to mix with coconut water.
- After mixed flat, then drink this herb. Use this herb every day at least once a day so that the stones that are disbursed urine become destroyed.
4. Recipes 4

- 20 sheets of cat whiskers, wash and then mash the leaves until smooth, give a little by little water, then squeeze to be taken juice up to 1/2 cup. Drink the concoction 1/2 cup every morning for 1 week.

5. Recipes 5

- Prepare 25 glass leaves glass or glass powder glass that has been smooth, 25 gr ngokilo leaves, 25 gr leaves of cat whiskers and 25 gr meniran leaves and roots.

- After washed clean, boil all the ingredients then strain and drink the water. Use this recipe for 5 consecutive days, then give it a pause or pause for 3-4 days, then repeat this recipe the first way.

6. Recipes 6

7 pieces of papaya leaf

How to create and use:

- First day, 3 pieces of fresh papaya leaves boiled with enough water, then boiled water of papaya leaves is drunk 1 cup at a time.

- Day Two, 5 pieces of fresh papaya leaf boiled with enough water, then boiled water of papaya leaves is drunk 1 cup at a time.

- Third Day, 7 pieces of fresh papaya leaf boiled with enough water, then boiled water of papaya leaves is drunk 1 cup at a time.

- To cover it plus by drinking young coconut water, selected from green coconut.

Note: those with hypertension should not take this prescription.

7. Recipes 7

- Yesterday
- Wash 30 g fresh yellow leaves, then juice in 150 ml of water. Filter the juice, then drink once a day.

Make you who are sick remain patient and dabo pray, do not forget his efforts to seek treatment .. ^ _ ^
May be useful
Happy weekend_

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